Single Character

Street Attire

$22.00 USD
Single Character

Street Attire

$22.00 USD


A stylish new ensemble for the trendsetters of the realm.
This snappy, newfangled attire is sure to wow those behind the times, and fashion-forward adventurers will appreciate how the fabric is woven for ease of movement, suitable for all occasions be they pleasant or perilous. Accoutred with an assortment of accessories, the sizable back print on the jacket and sleeveless top serve to complement its modern aesthetic. As each item in the six-piece set is dyeable, the outfit can be customized to one's liking. Set includes: -Street Cap x1 -Street Jacket x1 -Street Top x1 -Street Handwear x1 -Street Cargo Trousers x1 -Street High-top Shoes x1
Featured Fashion
Available in all sizes!
From the Back
Note the elaborate back print.
Color Comparison
Showing abyssal blue with kobold brown, pure white with jet black, and Dalamud red with woad blue.

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