This set of attire is designed for female characters.
Show your love for Valentione's Day with this stylish women's flat cap.
This charming flat cap is garnished with a heart-shaped ornament, set off with red feathers and a monochrome ribbon. Dye it your favorite color, or even remove the ribbon for a style all your own!
Red-feathered Flat Hat
Show your love for Valentione's Day with this stylish women's flat cap.
Adjust the Ribbon
Choose the look that fits your style.
About This Item
This item, or one otherwise equivalent, was available during a past in-game event.
An emote (/visor) can be used with this item.
Gear appears differently depending on the character's race. Certain combinations of gear and character type may cause clipping issues.
This head gear will not be displayed when equipped by Viera characters.
Click the item's name to view its page on the Eorzea Database.