Single Character

Loyal Housemaid's Uniform

Single Character

Loyal Housemaid's Uniform



The perfect attire to attend the lords and ladies of your house.
For the housemaid who needs to look their best. The dress is accented with frills and ribbons for a look both polished and refined. This five-piece set includes a brim, apron dress, wristdresses, bloomers, and pumps, all of which can be dyed.
Featured Fashion
Available in all sizes!
Great Even from the Back!
For those who need to appear stylish from every angle.
Color Comparison
Showcasing royal blue with ice blue, Dalamud red with pastel pink, and honey yellow with vanilla yellow.
Frills from Head to Toe
Though easy to miss, the bloomers are decorated with frills and ribbons as well.

About This Item

Wearing multiple pieces of this set grants a stat bonus for jobs and classes under a certain level.
Gear appears differently depending on the character's race. Certain combinations of gear and character type may cause clipping issues.
This item, or one otherwise equivalent, was available during a past event. (* The availability of the applicable item and event varied based on region.)
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